Stan the Chicken Man
All contents © Tami Wright Today there was a memorial service for a long-time pillar of the community down in Clovis. He and his wife were friends of my parents, and were always very kind to us kids. He attended many a Cougar football game, was influential around town, and was even Mayor for a while, but to Tommy (back when Tom was still Tommy) and me, he was just "Stan the Chicken Man"... Waaaay back in the very early 70's, Dad was helping a bunch of "old guys" (ranging in age from 24-40-ish) paint signs for a campaign. The sign painting was happening out at Stan the Chicken Man's chicken ranch, so I suppose it could have been his mayoral campaign, but that little factoid would be a footnote to the REAL story. Dad frequently toted us along for some of his activities, and I was with Dad and the old guys out on the ranch. I wasn't much help with the signs, and back in those days they were painted onto plywood with equally heavy plywood stencils and...